
About the breed
The Ragdoll breed was developed by Ann Baker in Riverside, CA, USA with the first kittens being named as Ragdolls in 1965. A combination of Persian, Burmese and Birman cat were the basis for this new breed. The first cat registered as a Ragdoll was in December 1966. His name was Daddy Warbucks. The first written Ragdoll Breed Standard for a cat association was produced by the American Cat Fanciers Federation in 1976. Ragdolls were eventually recognised as a breed in Australia around 1990. A beautiful sweet temperament, stunning beauty and large in size are their well known characteristics. Ragdolls are known to fit in with most family situations, have become best buddies to other breeds of cats, snuggled up to many dog breeds and even a few bunnies. They have been reported to heal broken hearts with their love and they bond really well with a single person, and small or large families. They really do live up to their reputation of the most sought after breed of cat in the world.

Colours & Patterns

(Dark bluish grey)

(A noticeably lighter shade of blue/grey with a slight pinkish tinge)

The Tabby Ragdoll has tabby points with distinct ‘M’ shaped pencil line stripes on its face, and its eyes are outlined with a white line.
(Seal Tabby Point)

A Mitted cat has white on its paw tip, white on it rear legs and a white chin and chest. The ears and tail remain coloured as in the colourpoint.
(Blue Mitted)

(Dark Brown)

(A noticeably lighter shade of red)

The coat of the Tortie Ragdoll cat combines two colors other than white, either closely mixed or appearing in larger patches. Tortie Ragdoll cats are always female. (Seal Tortie Mitted)

Bicolour cats have white paw tips and front legs, white on the rear legs and white on the chin and chest. Bicolour cats have a white inverted “V” on the lower part of the face. A bicolour ragdoll's body may be mostly white with splashes of colour or with solid colour covering the body.
(Seal Bicolour)

(Chocolate Brown)

(A bright orange/red)

This pattern combines both the Tortie colour markings and Tabby stripes.
(Blue Tortie Tabby Point)

Has colour on paw tips, tail, ears and face (points). Point colours should be two shades darker than the coat colour.
(Lilac Point)